Photo: Yukihiro Taguchi
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
There are cracks or unevenness on walls or streets, and people seem to notice them but avoid them at the same time. We try to adjust ourselves to any unevenness existing in our everyday life to keep our own balance. Such consciousness becomes visible when observing people’s subtle behaviour. I pay attention to the reentrant space and put my body into cracks of walls and streets or space between buildings. This act, filling the re-entrant with convex, seems to have the possibility to create a different view towards the re-entrant. — The ground was riddled with shot, I heard that ground covers with red cement by local people, this will forever remain in our memories.
Exhibition: 2005 Sarajevo International Culture Exchange 2005 –Re-Cultivation, Skenderija, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina I 1 - 31 Aug 2005 I , 2007 INDEX #3 - The Effect of Experience - Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, 2013 I 5 May - 3 June 2007 I PORTFOLIO 2013, Island Medium, Tokyo, Japan I 11 - 26 May 2013 I