Peep in Sarajevo
2004 - 2006
Installation (Rubber, door)
C type print (203x254mm each)
Venue: Former factory, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
You find collapsed buildings or buildings with bullet holes all over the city. These scars tell us clearly that there was the civil conflict 10 years ago. I wanted to see the city in the same way as the bullet holes do, by looking at it through these holes. A part of the city I saw in an awkward shape makes me imagine many things. The city you see through the holes is the present Sarajevo, and not 10 years ago Sarajevo or Sarajevo represented in the media. Seeing the city through the holes makes us imagine further what is actually behind the scenery we are seeing. Placed rubber tubes around the bullet holes on the door of an abandoned factory to look inside the building. The intentional act of peeping creates a peaceful dialogue with yourself.
Exhibition: 2004 Sarajevo International Culture Exchange 2004 –Living room, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina I 1 - 31 Aug 2004 I , 2006 Sarajevo International Culture Exchange 2006 -Transition Compound, Gallery Nord, Berlin, Germany, 2006 I 5 - 24 May 2006 I , Sarajevo International Culture Exchange 2006 -Transition Compound, Asahi Art Square, Tokyo, Japan I 15 - 21 Feb 2006 I , 2007 INDEX #3 - The Effect of Experience - shin-bi, Kyoto, Japan I 5 May - 3 Jun 2007 I