Water Dance
2014 - 2017
Video 4 mins
New York, USA
My practice is marked by intense training experience in competitive swimming and synchronized swimming during my teenage years. The experience in underwater has led me to observe the world from a singular perspective, to develop a physical sense of being within restricted conditions and to nurture creativity that enables me to go freely back and forth between the boundaries of buoyancy (underwater) and gravity (on land).
Human body may perhaps be more difficult to be released than to be stressed, and so is the human spirit. I create works with a hope that the reconstructing the physical relationship between buoyancy and gravity will give us a moment when our normal perspectives can be released.
Special thanks: New York Health Raquet Club, NY, USA, OK design. inc.
With the Support From: Asian Cultural Council
Photo: Residency Unlimited
Water Dance
Video 4 mins
Venue: InCube Arts Gallery, New York, USA
Kanako Hayashi’s work explores the language of underwater choreography in order to develop the physical gestures used to create her immersive drawings. Repurposing bodily movement taken from her early years as a synchronized swimmer, Hayashi’s final drawings are the static leftovers from this solitary performance. As a hint to the work’s creation, Hayashi includes a simple video in the installation, which shows her practicing these gestures in the water, studying the range and limitations of the body’s motion in this restricted environment. Text by Rachel Steinberg
Exhibition: 2016 Afterimage, InCube Arts Gallery, New York, USA I 09 - 30 April, 2016 I Residency Unlimited (RU) is pleased to present Afterimage, an exhibition that brings together the work of four of RU’s current artists-in-residence
With the Support From: POLA ART FOUNDATION, Residency Unlimited (RU)
Water Dance - Collages
Collages on Iron plate, Photo copy paper
Size: 50 x 25cm
- My body movement is like drawing a single line-
I have started creating drawings as static blueprints of my movements and performative practices. I create a drawing as a dialog in between my body movement and different art forms. This drawing series is made out of collages, which form the drawings/visual compositions.
With the Support From: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, Künstlerhaus Bethanien